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Confidentiality Statement

If this is a medical emergency, immediately call emergency personnel or 911 for immediate medical attention. Do not attempt to use electronic communications or this website to address urgent medical needs.

Our website contains forms through which potential patients may send us personal information that is essential in being able to fulfill requested medical services. OrthoWestmount, or its suppliers, will preserve the file containing this personal information. Employees who require the information in the performance of their duties will have access to it.

In sending us this file, potential patients agree to this use of their information. We do not provide any information supplied on our web forms to any outside organization for any reason (unless required by law, or when requested by a patient).

All correspondence by email sent to OrthoWestmount is archived on secure servers. Employees who require information sent by email will have access to all archived emails. In discussing patients, employees may exchange emails containing sensitive patient information. These emails are archived on secure servers. OrthoWestmount does not share these emails with outside organizations for any reason (unless required by law, or when requested by a patient).